Wednesday, 12 June 2013

retis jalanan kat tar jalan. Eh ?

gitar+tudung+shawl+yuna+pampers+youtube+AJL+najwa latif+ainan tasneem = tasha manshahar pulak dah... 

senang ja nak feymes lani...tak susah pun...

pakai shawl...lilit sampai nampak cam pakai mafla team bola kegemaran masing-masing..

buat muka comel..wat la mulut itik ka..pipi kembung ka..mata bulat bebal sekalipun...yang penting bajet comel..

pastikan ada webcam..

internet connection..*nk lagi best wifi u memasing*

pastikan pandai main gitar...

mula-mula cover la lagu apapun..jangan cover lagu band paling power yakni Nirvana dah...

record and post la kat youtube...

agak-agak kalau ada orang puji..tak kena keji...

buat la lagu sendiri pulak...

tak kisah la kalau dok ulang kord CAFG dari awai sampai habis..yang penting catchy...*la sangat*

lepas tu upload lagi la kat fb ka...kat youtube ka...


rilek..tak lama lagi lu orang buleh la masuk AJL kaa...

tak pun

tak lama lagi lu orang buleh la bernaung bawah mana-mana recording company...

tak pun jadi duta pampers...*lagi*

yaaa...gua orang pandai buat lagu sendiri..gua terer main Red Alert 2 ja...

stat ngan yuna..lepas tu najwa latip...pastu ainan, ni tasha pulak dah...jangan ada nama kakak gua dah..gua terajang tulang belakang!


saranan ni cuma untuk yang rasa muka ada market*la sangat*...yang muka pecah rumah...pecah tabung haji...abaikan cita-cita anda...better buat band cam angtoria..paham?

Monday, 10 June 2013

And yes, we are Great_Trouble maker

kat hostel ape je bleh buat. bosan ? rindu nak masak ? yela kje menimbun, projek xsetel2 kan, bila masuk stdy week mula la meroyan memasing tak tau nak buat ape. nak belajar ? ofkosla tak kan. hihih. 
last2 kitorang decide nk bt makan2. hihihi..
aiceh. poyo plak aku ni


bapakkk sedappp wehhhhhh . hihihi 

Just let the picture tells u everything . me, she, they and ofkos WE = Great_trouble maker ^__^

semangat tu penting ye anak2. hihi. pepagi lagi lepas subuh aku xtdoq dah, nak p pasaq tani punya pasai. 

ehem ehem . 

dan hasilnya  . balik dari pasar tani beserta rezeki2nya

#cili api
#kunyit hidup
#kcg btol n timun

first , basuh ayam and perap ngan air limau . kasi hilang hanyir. petua mak aku la. xtaula mak korang ajar ke tak
n plus sepatutnya basuh ngan tepung, tapi lupa nak beli tepung . hihi . 

okay . the most part yang paling best . haha mesti korang tertanya mana aku rembat lesung batu kat bawah ni dalam desa ni kan ? 
lesung ni kitorg jmpe kat bilik stadi n setelah sekian lama memerhati dengan penuh sabar, jadi kami putuskan utk rembatnye dengan hati riang gembiraaaaa.. hihihi
okay lepastu trouble yang kitorang bt , kbtulan masa tu ramai plak yang stdy kat situ, adoiai. stdy la time lain. 
dan saya dengan kema 
ni pesbuk dia 
hihi. manusia suci yang xpenah buat jahat.
nk compare ngn aku memang mcm langit ngn bumi la kan,
kitorang rembat tu and aku terus keluar n lari, yang dia ni nak lari tapi lambat ! pastu seliper pon bunyi bedepek-depek.
adoi mak, kantoila, orang terang tang-tang dengar . 
xpela, asalkan dah dapat. 
nek atas cepat2 tumbuk smpai lumat. 

okay lepas tu teringat plak yang kitorang xbli daun limau , 
aku pon tetibe dapat idea nk pgi usha kat rumah penggawa kat bawah, biasanya cikgu2 ni suke tanam daun2 kampung kan.. 
dan hasilnya
aku dan ditemani kema (lagi)
aku : cikgu, nak daun limau sikit boleh ? (smbil tesengeh2)
cikgu: haaa boleh boleh, amekla, eh nak masak ke ? (mcm tau2 je )
aku : (muka yakin habes) eh xdela ckgu nk masak megi je n nak bg wangi je . (-_-)
cikgu: ooh yeke, ha daun pandan tu xnak ?
and the rest is history ... 

ye!! kami hanya mengguna kan ini ? 
almaklumlah, tengah2 hostel ni celah mana plak aku nak rembat dapus gas kan
ini je yang mampu . :-)

in progresssssssssssss!!! 
#campur ayam,cili dah tumbuk,titik seram, daun limau(koyak2),n kentang , garam n aji sikit ..tutup piuk dan biakan mereka sebati (cili masak dgn ayam) 
dah naik bau and nmpak ayam mcm dah cntik masak, masukkan santan. then biakan smbil kacau2 
tanak bagi dia taik minyak or setengah panggil pecah minyak
bapak buruk rupa kalau dah pecah minyak 

masak lemak done !!! ^_^ 
nyum nyum

inilah koktail kita 

 kitorang divide dua group. satu group lagi p tesco utk beli barang2 koktail, so aku xdapat snap bahan2 tu tapi senang je

#susu cair
#laici tin
#nata de coco (laici la sedap)
#sumi (aku xtau ejaan betol dia)
#buah epal merah + hijau
#buah peach (nak lagi sedap)

lepas tu korang campur je sume bahan2 ni dengan riang gembira, nanti jadilaaaa
and sejukkan dalam peti ais. tapi disebabkan kitorang xde peti ais so just letakkan air batu jela. 
sedap woooo

okay dah siapppppppppp. 
mari makannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 

and lepas ni memasing sume kebonsang perut . hahahahaha

oh ye . kawan2 . semoga ukhuwah kita berkekalan 
even sekali skala wat jenayah dalam hostel
dah makan, pandai2 la simpan dalam perut
ye tak ?? hihihi


My first time to join the international donation charity in Ipoh, I thought “who's going to talk the talk, who's going to walk the walk,' and 'Muslims' going to donate for sure!” I was wrong, not because the religion, but the races. Okay, newsflash, there are 2 sided of every races, high-educated (HE) and low educated (LE). when low, there also 2 sides, the good and the boast.

 OK I found the Chinese. The HE sometimes interested, when you force them to stop, and mostly 'fuck you' with face-attitude even you just walking towards them. Like this Chinese, they even not looking at your booth, just passing with signs “don’t ever think to sell me that bullshit”. I don’t give a damn. But the kids does. There are one time they’re curious what you’re holding (clearly the ‘bullshit’ brochure and shitty forms), they stop just to look, and when they eyes rolling to ‘WE DO NOT RECEIVE CASH DONATION’, their feet start the race of distance. But there are some who are eager to teach you wisdom of life, don’t get me wrong man, just that damn lecture is too damn long. But yet my appreciation for him is high since he’s sharing his opinion, but it just the talk, I mean everybody able to talk the talk. The LEs are mostly 'fuck you' and doesn't understand English. I don’t even trip for that. But there is one LE, he is so scary, but the barrier becomes harden because he speaks shitty English. But roughly I put this, he try to say, he want UNICEF’s own account to donate, (he don’t trust us), okay then, I said, I pull let-me-speak-to-manager shit (clearly my company being appointed to be a REPRESENTATIVE ONLY, means I don’t know shit about UNICEF inside procedures, I only help them how to get through their donation using bank transfers, not cash because of UNICEF’s policies). Then after minutes of ignorance, he left and wander again.  

Then I found the Singh and the Indians. What a lovely gesture they have. And they have a unique trust. Ok the traits is for HE, LE don’t give a shit. The HE Singh is good and firm when they talk to you, but just the human nature in Malaysia, the word ‘DONATIONS’ comes a lot in their life and they start to think it’s just bullshit (because too many donations being cut-straight from their income, and I don’t blame them), they giving excuses “Now I already got the MAKNA (MajlisKanserNasional, National cancer Association), Ok?”,  Me? Just forgot to meet the eyes when I say thank you for kind enough to the one and only donations (yeah, MAKNA’s donation deduction is compulsory in tax). The Indians? There are 2 kind of person that I have been through, the badass and the lovely (HE). I pulled the hook line “Do you love children?’ he say “Say what?” with the sword looking eyes, and I repeat again, he steadily leave me and said “No.”. Ok, the kids say thanks says I. in my heart . Then the lovelies, a woman, and a man, the man says we are good and keep it up, the woman is interesting, I approached her for the first time, but typical amongst the subject, she said “I’m in a hurry.” And continue wandered around for an hour before buying anything. But later she been approached by my other workmate, but then she said the same thing. Suddenly she came to me and said “its ok, I have half an hour to hear from you.” I was in shocked, but I’m not asking the question of why to her, clearly I’m not trust her. Then after the pitch (explanation of UNICEF), she introduce herself and her problems. She is from England (but she was new there, and she explains she already taking care of her Indonesian maid and already spent all her money to the maid. I am okay with it since she got a point and an action.

The most racist race I have ever encounter is Malay. Man they’re racist. I am a Malay and Muslims. They’re also Muslims. I have stopped one old man, I pitch him,  then what he said? “iniyahudikan? Inibukanuntukmelayukan? Sayasudahbayar zakat, kiracukuplah, lagipunduitiniuntukduniakan, bukan Malaysia sajakan?” (this UNICEF is owned by Jews right? The donation is not for Malays, right? I already paid the zakat, and that’s enough. Besides, the donation is not only for Malaysia, but for the whole world, am I right?’. Then, they love to tease you, they love to hear and nod, then just leave. Sometimes the running is obvious. They walking leisurely, then they pull Usain Bolt on us when they see us. Of course you don’t see other Malays because they’re working. I love to think when we approach Malay women that wearing tudung, nice covering their aurat (not tudung then t-shirt and shitty legging that shows their hump and lump, but maybe they slightly in the same side) just arrogantly walk away and playing their Samsung S4, iPhone 5 and posting some hadiths, advice other to be a better Muslim. Irony when virtual is not relate to actual action. I love it, she posting every single advice from UstazAzharIdrus or Ustaz Don about Islam and everything in RM2000 phone, then you said no money to donations. Yes you have rights to not donate, yes you have rights to say no to children’s rights. But I think maybe they already be a donor to UNICEF until now, because they said “I’m a member” thousands times. You notice there are no HE or LE in Malays right? Because the LE is most the dumbest as HE, just HE more respectable in his appearance (his sunglasses on his forehead, the silk pants and the stylus on the smartphones, or Dunhill).

But the foreign is cool. I mean coolest. One time I saw two Singhs walking towards me. And they just happy to see me. They told me how they end up being in Ipoh, enjoy the scenery but they headed to KL back tomorrow and how they told us they love to help, but none of them has credit card (I almost forgetting the sarcasm I was about to made how a fucking tourist never had a credit card).  After a while, one of them sees us again and ask us whether all these cards (he practically give us every card that he has) can be used for donation purposes. Well unfortunately there are no single card that is useful. But hey, at least he is honest about the thing. What about you? Visit another country and meet another UNICEF agents, would you be like them?

Enough. This is hatred section, not about other race (they can handle their own shit), but my race, Malay .Yes you are right to everything. From A to the Z. at least the Jews care about the Liberia and Congo’s which the most worst thing ever on Earth ( watch YouTube search keyword vice Liberia), if you want to hear. Man I don’t mean to be a ‘ustaz’ but then Muhammad S.A.W giving food to his own hand to a blind Jew woman who denies his preaching and tell all the people,  every single day to the day he dies ( Today is not the same as the old day. What do you mean? Every Muhammad doing is already irrelevant? Says who? What Allah says about Muhammad? What Muhammad says as his last will? Follow his Sunnah hadiths and Quran? No?That’s because your own attitude until this day, denying others rights while whining your own rights. That’s right, complains after complains about Chinese’s power but covering your sons and daughter skipping schools and sleeping in the class. That’s not it, the Chinese helping other Chinese is racist, but they keep committing fraud to each other. Malays hate the Chinese’s success, but they blinding the hardships and difficulties before the success. They want the leader protect them in the constitution, but even most Malays can’t protect them from drugs and street racing. I know the other race has issues, I know even Chinese has issues, the loan-shark that even kill their own brother for the big debt after the loan’s gone in gambling, the young generations always drunk and go to the club (club is another Malay’s KL problem). The Indian who is a gangster and love to steal and kill, the conman. Every race has its problems. But the Malays is always whining about theirs in the telly, the radios, and everything that have a strength of spread (well BahasaMelayu = BahasaKebangsaan). At least we only see the Indian and Chinese problems, not HEARING it. why I am so racist to Malay? Because they are racist through behaviour. Watch and hear their response when they read this, “taksayangbangsake? Kenapalebihkanbangsa lain? NkjadicinapergilahjadicinakalautakbanggadenganMelayu”. I love my race, but I love other race too. If not, why God will different races to live together? Always bring a war that you called jihad?  Define more about jihad, ask ustaz, not your own thought please. You know their comments are racist too. No doubt about it. zakat is compulsory in Islam when you have income. Why God command us to zakat? He knows human with wealth brings greed unconsciously. If zakat is sunat, ask yourself, are you doing other sunat as well? Sunat in zakat brings pahala but loses money, I assume you say ‘ more other sunnah that benefit me more’, human always do thing that pleases them constantly. Especially Malay. Why? Look who join illegal MLM more. Rich fast for slower fools. Zakat is enough? Who said you are enough for deeds to God grant you to heaven? Even Muhammad always crying in his solah just because to gain blessing from Allah (we know he is maksum, the confirmation of cleared of any sins which is granting him to the highest heaven). You? Well zakat is enough.

You hate Chinese, you ask the government (lucky the government is corrupted Malay, but not all of them) to help you, but you don’t want to help other races (in UNICEF, the Malay old man reluctant to donate because he suspected the money is directed to another country, despite we are running UNICEF MALAYSIA, which clearly Malaysia will eat the portion of the dough), and you don’t want to help yourself, just like a baby and his top-shelf candy, you ask your mom to get it, but don’t want to share with brothers and sisters.
I know many Malay hate their own government, saying every race has equal right and if they donate something to charities under government name, it is corruptible and the money never go where they supposed to. Well I give them a chance, (bank to bank transfer, notification, the transparency, no cash involved), then the just face in other way, continuing the street demonstration against the corruption. Well they are love to fix others where themselves are broken.

That’s why I love my race. They doing fucked-up things and always right. Then they say “tengokdiamencarut, samasajadengankita, ingatdiabaiksangatke?” hahah see? I love them to see other’s fault but not their own (by the way, I am sorry for vulgarizing my context, just to smell your weakness). One thing, “dianakjadi mat saleh(foreign) sangat speaking English.” Well I leave you to debate about this.

Special credit to Amirul Hakim . 

Monday, 3 June 2013

last sem second year . usm . hbp . interior design . love :)

Hi Assalamualaikum :)
ALHAMDULILLAH aku masih hidup.
tudia tajuk panjang lebaq . aiyoyo
korang korang korang *giler gedik serta bajet aku ramai peminat . he .*
aku dah lama gila x update. 
dan aku memang dah bajet pon yang sem ni eh x stat sem lepas memang aku sekali je update setiap sem
kenape ?
sbb saya tesangat bizi. mengalahkan menteri beso.  
over tak ? menyampah ?
ofkos kekadang aku pon menyampah dengan diri sendiri sbb sibuk sesangat ,
tapi apekan daya dah tanggungjawap kan.. :)  
giler panjang intro aku. 
baiklah. seperti biasa, kalau dah update satu sem sekali tu memang panjang bebenor le entri awok ni . harap sabar mengscroll kebawah. . timekaseh  :) 
sem ni antara sem paling teruk. sem paling tough utk aku. sem paling banyak dugaan dari ALLAH pada aku. alhamdullillah, walaupon banyak dugaan yang DIA bagi, DIA jugak yang kirimkan kekuatan bersama. 
syukur . 
sem ni jugak aku smpai skip class, xdela skip sangat, dapat cuti dalam lebih kurang dua minggu lebih n balik dari cuti tu, ALLAH je yang tau betapa huruhara ne hidup aku. menanges siang malam ni toksah cte, smpai dah xlarat nak nanges dah. last2 aku tido. 
ye tido cara aku selesaikan masalah. he . 
okay, tanak bising pepanjang. nk tunjuk hasil kerja saya sem ni .tapi mybe aku x letak semua kot sbb banyak sangat.. jadi ni just aku pick sikit2 jela .
 tapi kan korang saya takde la bagus tapi xdela noob sangat. hihi
jangan expect lebih dari ni tau tau :)  
have fun :) . 
design2 ni sume aku gune sketchup,ps and macam2 lagi utk buat dia nmpak menarik dan tetarik
mungkin xbrape nak de bom 
takpela usaha sikit2 kan :)
kan aku ckp aku banyak lagi ken belaja.
bnda banyak2 ni bukan bleh blaja stu sem, kompem la looser kan . 
tp xpe kalau ada usaha , insyaALLAH 
okay atas ni axo utk projeksuite aku. kitorang kne design suite hotel and aku buat konsep aqua-suite
dimana, mana je korang pegi korang akan jumpe air. ikan. heee
once air boleh tenangkan kita so aku rasa konsep ni insyaALLAH bleh tenangkan client yang datang kat hotel yang ofkosla niat utama nak feel calm from outside there . kan. 
ccntohnya kat ruang tamu korang bejalan atas kaca yang bawahnye ada akuarium :) 
n utk living area, kita tgk tv yang telekat kat curve aquarium. wah . hahaha bapak best 
master bedroom pon ada akuarium :) 
xpyhla aku cte pepanjang, tgk je gmbar2 ni :) 
okay ni axo lagi. luar tu balcony yang facing laut . hotel ni site kitorang kat batu feringgi :) 

living room 

master bedroom 

 double bed 

kitchen pon ada coral :) 

aqua-sink :) 



next aku kne design satu playground utk green space. 
n aku tunjuk board jela eh :)

some of feature . 

at night :)

okay next final project. kene design cafe utk hotel :)
 mcm biasala axo dulu

line view 

perspective interior 

outdoor view 

top view


oka jap . korang tgk nmpak smooth je kan . 
\okay skang aku nk tunjuk bilik aku cemana lepas buat bnda ni sume
hambeeekkk ahaa

ini pon kira bersih, kalau tak lagi looser . ahahaha
ok yang bawah ni board aku. sepanjang-panjang alam ni..
masa sebelum print kan duit dalam purse aku ada 100lbh cmtu, lepas bli barang model n print n aku hanya  beli roti gardenia yang besar tu utk kanyip-kanyip..lepass bayar duit print, duit aku tggal 4 iggit je 
bapak sedih ! T_____T .. 


dan selepas itu . alhamdulillah :) 
berakhir segala galanya . 
alhamdulillah . alhamdulillah . alhamdulillah 

oh ye. berita paling gembira. sem ni alhamdulillah saya dapat award 
most progressive design student. 
alhamdulillah :)

okay lepas tu kita cuci mata dengan gmbo saya .  aiceh. perasan
ini masa ID dinner night . 
utk pengetahuan , saya seorang mak nenek yang dah semakin gemoksssss . 
benci plak aku . haha
nmpak tak betapa menggemoknye aku ? 
sangat benci . ceh. 
bagaimana lagi mahu kurus tah . masa sakit je kejap kurus pastu naik balik. HAHAHAHHA
oh ye. rasanya masa dinner ni aku paling simple.
aku just pakai JUBAH HITAM+ biru 
(tetibe capslock) 
pin kiri kanan je . hee
no shawl 
no peplum 
no wedges
as well

maaf saya xpandai bepesyen mcm uolss :) 

yeahhh aku suke gile gmbo ni sbb aku mcm puteri belon ! 
hahah ape bebal aku ni. belon ni kaler purple tau, masa masuk dlam ni aku mmg dah aim nak benda alah ni .
tak kira ! 
n dapat jugak aku rembat masa lastttt. ahhahaha 
jap, aku dahla belon, duk kat sini mmg belon habes la 

 yeahhhh saya suka gmbo ni 
saya nampak kurus sikt ., hahah sikit jela. 
ini sume tipooooooooooooooooooo . 
menci tau .
dah gemoks tu gemoks jugak aja . 
harap maklum . 

okay  dah la smpai sini, nanti saya conteng2 lagi . 
maaf kalau ada yang anda xsuka
manusia slalu buat silap 
dan saya seorang manusia 
apatah lagi saya paling naif antara semua manusia 